Clayo Clinic
Artificial insemination at the Clayo Clinic
High-quality services, including the use of a unique CATI system (Cognitive Automation of Time-Lapse Images) based on artificial intelligence, as well as a personalised approach, family atmosphere and empathy.
Free of charge: Examination of sperm DNA fragmentation
(for IVF and egg donation worth 350.00 euros)
Clinic information
Founding year
Chief physician
MUDr. Radka Jarošová
Reproductive medicine specialist
Treatment spectrum
Sperm donation
Embryo donation
Egg donation
Behandelt werden dürfen
Homosexual couples
HIV positive men
(after consultation with a doctor)
HIV positive women
(after consultation with a doctor)
HCV/HBV positive men
(after consultation with a doctor)
HCV/HBV positive women
(after consultation with a doctor)
- IVF - Fresh cycle
- IVF - cryo-cycle
- Egg donation
- Egg donation - Fresh cycle
- Egg donation - cryo-cycle
- Embryo donation
Facts about IVF treatment
- Max. Age of the woman: 48 years + 364 days
- Waiting list: No
- Preferred transfer day: day 3 or day 5
- Average number of embryos transferred: 1.6
Facts about IVF treatment (fresh cycle)
- Cycles per year: 210
- Costs per cycle: from EUR 4,000.00
- The following services are included in the costs:
- OptimICSI
- Prolonged cultivation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring
- Assisted Hatching
- EmbryoGlue
- Cryoconservation
- Sperm selection
- The following services are included in the costs:
- Max. Number of clinic visits: 2
- Max. Length of stay in the clinic (days): 1
Additional costs:
- Costs for medication
Facts about IVF treatment (cryo-cycle)
- Cycles per year: 250
- Costs per cycle: from EUR 1,000
- The following services are included in the costs
- Cryoembryo transfer of thawed embryos using echo transfer catheters
- The following services are included in the costs
- Max. Length of stay in the clinic (days): 1
Additional costs:
- EmbryoGlue + Assisted Hatching 350,00 EUR
Facts about egg donation
- Max. Age of the recipient: 48 years + 364 days
- Preferred transfer day: day 3 or day 5
- Average number of embryos transferred: 1.4
- Egg donor – maximum age: 35 years
- Eizellspenderin – Herkunft: Kaukasisch, Asiatisch
- Oocyte bank: In-house egg bank
- Information about the donor for the recipient: phenotype, blood group, Rh factor, age, hobbies, education
- Type of egg donation: Anonymous
Facts about egg donation (fresh cycle)
- Cycles per year: 220
- Costs per cycle: from EUR 4,900.00
- The following services are included in the costs:
- Prolonged cultivation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring
- Assisted Hatching
- EmbryoGlue
- Cryoconservation
- Sperm selection
- The following services are included in the costs:
- Max. Number of clinic visits: 2
- Max. Length of stay in the clinic (days): 1
Additional costs:
- Medication for the recipient
Facts about egg donation (cryo-cycle)
- Cycles per year: 100
- Cost per cycle: from EUR
- The following services are included in the costs:
- Max. Number of clinic visits: 1
- Max. Length of stay in the clinic (days): 1
Additional costs:
- Medication for the preparation of the uterine lining
Facts about embryo donation
- Max. Age of the recipient: 48 years + 364 days
- Costs per cycle: 2,500.00 euros
- Waiting list: No
- Average number of embryos transferred: 1.2
- Cycles per year: 30
- Max. Number of clinic visits: 1
- Max. Length of stay in the clinic (days): 1
Pregnancy rate per treatment type
IVF – Fresh cycle: 47.7 %
IVF – cryo-cycle: 50.3 %
Egg donation – Fresh cycle: 60.0 %
Egg donation – cryo-cycle: 55.0 %
Embryo donation: 67.0 %
Cost overview
The prices for the fertility treatments and the guarantee packages were provided to us by the Clayo Clinic, we cannot guarantee their validity.
Last update: 22/02/2024
For patients whose treatment was previously unsuccessful and repeated cycles are required, we offer special packages with 3 cycles for the price of 2. The first two cycles are paid in advance, the third cycle is free of charge. Suitable for patients with Low Responder (39+) or Low Responder (39+) with the combination with PGT-A.We also recommend this programme to women who wish to freeze their eggs for health or social reasons.In order to maintain fertility, it is necessary to freeze at least 20 eggs, for which stimulation is not sufficient in most cases.
Price: 4.000,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
Additional options
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of embryos
- Prolonged cultivation
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
Price: 4.600,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Prolonged cultivation
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: EUR 5,050.00
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Prolonged cultivation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of embryos
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: 4.400,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of embryos
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Embryo transfer
Paid additional options
- Prolonged cultivation
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Preis: 7.400,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Prolonged cultivation
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+ 1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: 4.900,00 EUR
(Guarantee of 1 embryo for embryo transfer)
The following services are included:
- Stimulation and egg retrieval from the donor
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Sperm donation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of embryos
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
- Vitrification of embryos (+ 1 year storage)
Price: 6.600,00 EUR
(guarantee of at least 2 embryos)
The following services are included:
- Stimulation and egg retrieval from the donor
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Prolonged cultivation
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Guarantee of two embryos
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Sperm donation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: EUR 7,900.00
(Guarantee of at least 3 embryos for embryo transfer, as well as a 3rd full cycle free of charge if there is no pregnancy after 2 complete IVF cycles)
The following services are included:
- Stimulation and egg retrieval from the donor
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Prolonged cultivation
- Embryo transfer
- Guarantee of two embryos
- Spermiogram
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
If the first two separately billed cycles with Egg Donation All Inclusive fail, the 3rd cycle is free of charge.
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Sperm donation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: 2.500,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
Paid additional options
- LAZT (Laser Assisted Zona Thinning)
- EmbryoGlue® nebo UTM Sage
Price: EUR 3,500.00
The following services are included:
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
Paid additional options
- LAZT (Laser Assisted Zona Thinning)
- EmbryoGlue® nebo UTM Sage
Price: 1.000,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Thawing the embryo
- Transfer of the thawed embryo
Paid additional options
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
Price: 1.350,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Thawing of the embryo(s)
- Transfer of the thawed embryos
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
Price: 2.500,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- Vitrification of the oocytes (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
Packages following the programme with own IVF.
Price: 730,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Spermiogram and preparation of the sperm
- Freezing sperm (+ 1 year storage)
- IVF Basic
- IVF Optimal
- IVF All Inclusive
- IVF Low Responder (39)
- IVF Kombi
- Egg donation basic
- Egg donation Optimal
- Egg donation all inclusive
- Embryo donation - cycle with 1 embryo
- Embryo donation - cycle with 2 embryos
- Cryoembryo Transfer Basic
- Cryoembryo transfer Optimal
- Cryoembryo transfer CET/ASET
- Vitrification of egg cells / social freezing
- Freezing sperm
Price: 4.000,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
Additional options
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of embryos
- Prolonged cultivation
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
Price: 4.600,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Prolonged cultivation
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: EUR 5,050.00
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Prolonged cultivation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of embryos
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: 4.400,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of embryos
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Embryo transfer
Paid additional options
- Prolonged cultivation
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Preis: 7.400,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Prolonged cultivation
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+ 1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: 4.900,00 EUR
(Guarantee of 1 embryo for embryo transfer)
The following services are included:
- Stimulation and egg retrieval from the donor
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Sperm donation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of embryos
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
- Vitrification of embryos (+ 1 year storage)
Price: 6.600,00 EUR
(guarantee of at least 2 embryos)
The following services are included:
- Stimulation and egg retrieval from the donor
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Prolonged cultivation
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
- Guarantee of two embryos
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Sperm donation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: EUR 7,900.00
(Guarantee of at least 3 embryos for embryo transfer, as well as a 3rd full cycle free of charge if there is no pregnancy after 2 complete IVF cycles)
The following services are included:
- Stimulation and egg retrieval from the donor
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Prolonged cultivation
- Embryo transfer
- Guarantee of two embryos
- Spermiogram
- Freezing sperm (+1 year storage)
- Vitrification of embryos (+1 year storage)
If the first two separately billed cycles with Egg Donation All Inclusive fail, the 3rd cycle is free of charge.
Paid additional options
- OptimICSI
- MACS®, microchip or swim-out
- Sperm donation
- Time-Lapse Monitoring
- ASET (asynchronous embryo transfer)
- PGT (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
Price: 2.500,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
Paid additional options
- LAZT (Laser Assisted Zona Thinning)
- EmbryoGlue® nebo UTM Sage
Price: EUR 3,500.00
The following services are included:
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Embryo transfer
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
Paid additional options
- LAZT (Laser Assisted Zona Thinning)
- EmbryoGlue® nebo UTM Sage
Price: 1.000,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Thawing the embryo
- Transfer of the thawed embryo
Paid additional options
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
Price: 1.350,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Thawing of the embryo(s)
- Transfer of the thawed embryos
- LAZT (laser-assisted zone thinning, also known as assisted hatching)
- EmbryoGlue® or UTM Sage
Price: 2.500,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Oocyte retrieval
- Anesthesia during egg retrieval
- Vitrification of the oocytes (+1 year storage)
Paid additional options
Packages following the programme with own IVF.
Price: 730,00 EUR
The following services are included:
- Spermiogram and preparation of the sperm
- Freezing sperm (+ 1 year storage)
Additional and support services
Alternative therapies
- Acupuncture
- Nutritional counsellingNutritional counselling
- Massage
- Naturopathy
- Yoga
- Psychological support
Support with
- Airport pick-up
- Partner hotels
- Own accommodation
- Support with the hotel search

MUDr. Radka Jarošová
Medical Director

Dr. Daniel Hlinka
Clinic owner
Further information
Why the Clayo Clinic?
At Clayo Clinic, we have new IVF methods that increase your chances of successful conception and minimise the risk of early miscarriages!
A healthy embryo is the result of three basic factors:
- good oocyte
- healthy sperm
- correct laboratory procedures.
This is Clayo Clinic’s approach, which is why at Clayo Clinic we exclusively offer the methods that Dr Hlinka has developed and introduced to embryology over the course of his almost 40-year career. Thanks to our experienced team working with the following state-of-the-art technologies, patients at our fertility clinic receive high-quality and entirely different care.
- In particular, we would like to mention CATI (Cognitive Automation of Time-Lapse Images) and the combined system – Hybrid PGT-A (fresh embryo transfer and PGT-A): It is a non-invasive pre-selection of the best, most vital and least risky embryos by CATI AI (artificial intelligence) developed by the founder of Clayo Clinic, Daniel Hlinka. CATI can be used to non-invasively pre-select which embryos offer the best chances of a successful pregnancy and have the lowest risk of genetic abnormalities. The remaining embryos are sent for genetic testing to exclude embryos with chromosomal abnormalities. Through this approach, we protect the highest implantation potential of embryos (non-invasive CATI selection) and you save money on PGT-A testing and aneuploid embryo transfers. „We always tell our couples who want to have children that their goal is not repeated treatments, but to start a family and have children,“ advises Mr Dr. Hlinka
- Time Lapse System (TLS): In 2010, Dr Hlinka was one of the first in the world to introduce continuous monitoring of embryo development. TLS enables undisturbed embryo cultivation and records important markers of embryo development, enabling objective embryo assessment. At Clayo Clinic, the entire TLS is based on the artificial intelligence CATI, which standardizes the assessment of embryos and non-invasively preselects them for transfer.
- OptimICSI: this is a non-invasive method that helps to determine the optimal degree of egg maturation and the optimal timing for fertilisation using ICSI. This leads to optimisation of the fertilisation rate and improved embryo development, thus maximising the number of quality embryos suitable for transfer.
- DNA fragmentation: not only the egg cell is responsible for proper embryo development, the sperm is also involved in the development of the embryo. We attach great importance to the examination of DNA fragmentation in sperm, which is why we grant a discount of around 350 euros for our couples wishing to have children from together with the basic price of spermiogram and sperm freezing
At Clayo Clinic, we also use other unique laboratory procedures and methods to maximize the chances of success of your treatment. You can read more on our website You can arrange a consultation with our specialists and plan your fertility treatment!
We always want it to be your last treatment and to achieve our common goal: „the birth of a healthy baby“ as quickly as possible.