Fertility legislation in the Czech Republic

Czech fertility legislation allows, among other things:

Donated gametes (eggs, sperm) and donated embryos

Egg, sperm and embryo donation are an important part of reproductive medicine. In some countries, these therapies are partially or completely prohibited by law. In the Czech Republic, both egg and sperm donation as well as embryo donation are permitted subject to strict compliance with medical regulations and ethical requirements.

Medical requirements include legislatively mandated donor screening, which, in addition to serological testing (for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis) that is performed again before each donation, also includes genetic testing for the most common genetic mutations in the population to rule out the possibility that the donor is a healthy carrier of one of these mutations. In addition, a detailed family history of the prospective donors is taken.

The donation of gametes in the Czech Republic is strictly anonymous. Neither the recipients nor the donors ever learn any information about the other party. Recipients are only provided with the description of the donors, but no photos.

Donors are only reimbursed for the expenses associated with the donation. Therefore, donation cannot be a substitute for gainful employment and in most cases has altruistic motivation.

Donated eggs

Are usually used when the woman’s age and her low ovarian reserve do not allow pregnancy with her own eggs. If the woman knows that she is a carrier of a hereditary disease and does not want to pass it on to her descendants, she can also resort to egg donation.

Donated sperm

care used in the case of severely limited or complete lack of male fertility. Sperm donation can also be used in the case of the carrier of a recessive disease. However, there must be a medical reason for sperm donation. Since sperm donation therapy is also a couple therapy, the male partner who agrees to the sperm donation therapy and signs corresponding informed consent with this therapy is legally the father of the child resulting from the sperm donation.

Donated embryos

are used when both partners are severely limited in their ability to procreate or are completely incapable of procreation or do not want to take any risk as carriers of hereditary diseases. In such cases, the woman can be implanted with one or two donated embryos agreed with the couple, subject to compliance with all conditions (signing of informed consents by both partners, appropriate examinations of the woman before the transfer).

The basis for the search for suitable donors is the typing form, which is filled out by the couple undergoing therapy. In it, the couple informs the clinic of their requirements for the donor, such as age, height, weight, eye and hair color, blood group, and educational background, if any. The clinic tries to come as close as possible to the couple’s expectations and to offer them a suitable donor. After the agreement, the planning and preparation of the therapy can begin.

The decision to become pregnant with donated gametes is certainly not easy. However, it is an alternative to adoption or childlessness. Humane and responsible treatment of both recipients and donors and strict adherence to ethical principles are basic requirements for these therapies.

Our fertility experts

The article was prepared and provided by our partner clinic „Pronatal „in Ceské Budejovice, Prague, Karlovy Vary and Teplice.

MUDr. Oleksandr Mazurenko Chief Physician, PRONATAL Plus

MUDr. Oleksandr Mazurenko Chief Physician, PRONATAL Plus

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